World Bank Finds New Way To Engage With Audience

Diving Headlong Into Social Media

The World Bank knew where they wanted to be, but they didn’t know how to get there.

The organization, which provides financial support to developing countries, had millions of subscribers and followers scattered across its newsletters and social media channels.

The World Bank communication team had specific key performance indicators (KPIs) attached to this broad audience.

What the World Bank didn’t have were details. They needed to know who their audience was and what resonated with them.

Some of the questions the institution wanted to know:

  • Where did the World Bank’s audience members live?
  • What was their educational and professional background?
  • What social media platforms did they use?
  • How did they engage with the World Bank on social ?

Many marketing and communications teams face a challenge similar to the World Bank’s. Fortunately, it’s a problem you can solve with data.

Finding Zen with Data

To better understand its audience and figure out how to find others like them, the World Bank reached out to Lovelytics.

Lovelytics first gathered all the survey data collected by the World Bank. The organization regularly surveys its website visitors, newsletter subscribers, and people who work with the World Bank in countries around the world.

After standardizing the data, Lovelytics Tableau Zen Master and VP of Visualizations and Training Chantilly Jaggernauth helped the World Bank think through the questions they wanted to answer.

A Tableau Zen Master is someone who knows the ins and outs of the data visualization tool. There are fewer than 40 in the world, and Lovelytics’ Jaggernauth is one of them.

With the insight Jaggernauth gathered from the World Bank, the Lovelytics team went to work. They built Tableau dashboards that allowed the World Bank to see all its survey results, regularly updated, in one actionable place.

Next, Lovelytics turned to the World Bank’s website and six social media channels. The firm pulled all the World Bank’s digital data, including everything from social media engagement to website traffic. Lovelytics then built Tableau dashboards so the World Bank team can visually track its online efforts.

The dashboards deliver the World Bank up-to-date insights into social media campaign performance, YouTube video viewer data, and more.

On to a New World

At the start of its project with Lovelytics, the World Bank faced a challenge many marketing and communications teams confront:

  • Who is my audience?
  • And what resonates with them?

The World Bank’s communications team knew what actions they would take if they could answer these questions. So, they turned to Lovelytics.

Lovelytics took the time upfront to make sure it understood the World Bank’s needs. Then it built easy-to-use and regularly updated Tableau dashboards. Now the World Bank knows who comprises its audience and what resonates with them. And the organization can put its communications plan into action.

Isn’t it time you leveraged the power of social media to engage your audiences?  Email us at [email protected] to get started.

